DIY 0.9 % Normal Saline
You Can Make your own Saline For Nebulizing!
No Need to purchase expensive Saline.

Managing Medications During COVID
It can feel overwhelming managing all the supplements the brave doctors have advised. Let me help you know how to simplify the process and get your Covid Basket ready for when COVID strikes! You can Do This!

#5 Children’s Prophylactic Protocols
There are things you can do to prepare and protect your children. You are not left powerless thanks to brave physicians who have published data that can help our little ones, and not so little ones. Get Your Covid Basket together, and feel empowered!

#1 Rona Basket List Contents
Rona Basket List
Get Your COVID Basket Together!
Be Ready! Be Empowered!

#3 Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide (H202)
Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide!
Yes! It’s a legit thing with Medical Citations to boot! This has been used for decades and you can learn to do it at home as well!
Great therapeutic for fighting just about any virus!